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PEOF 2021: Navigating Digital Health: Shaping Guiding Principles for a Responsible Data Model
PEOF 2021: Making Digital Health & Data Accessible
TiEcon 2021 I Day 3 I Healthcare I Fireside Chat I Powering Healthcare through Data Science
PEOF 2021: From Vision to Reality: Patient Engagement in the Medtech Sector
Planning the Workforce and Global Health System Strengthening
Man + Machine: How Human-Centered AI May Heal Healthcare
BHRJ Webinar - Assessing the UN Guiding Principles at 10 and a Tribute to Professor John Ruggie
PEOF 2022 - Making Meaningful Patient Engagement In Translational Research The New Normal
Combating AMR: A Collaborative Approach for a Resilient Future
Can Digitally Enabled FP/RMNACH Approaches Improve Health Outcomes?
WHS 2017 - Innovations in Digital Health - Keynote Lecture
EuroHealthNet Annual Seminar 2024: Navigating times of change for public health